Depression Treatment

Are You Feeling Sad But Don’t Know Why?

Do you struggle with chronic feelings of sadness or low mood?

Is it difficult to feel connected, energized, and motivated?

Have you lost interest in the activities and relationships that, at one time, provided joy?

Unlike many health conditions, depression is difficult to see. You may have noticed a change in your mood or energy levels but never thought of these symptoms as being associated with depression. It’s possible that depression has slowly crept into your life and taken over, causing you to feel generally low and uninspired. 

Depression can also manifest as physical symptoms. Maybe there has been a dramatic shift in your energy levels and sleeping patterns. Perhaps you oversleep or struggle with insomnia. Similarly, you may have noticed changes in your appetite or weight. 

Feeling drained, it is probably difficult to keep up with daily tasks. Instead of wanting to engage with your work, hobbies, and relationships, you may feel a desire to withdraw or numb the general feelings of sadness you experience on a regular basis. 

For many people struggling with depression, a zest and appreciation for life get overshadowed by feelings of hopelessness. But it is possible to experience joy and a renewed sense of energy in your life. In depression treatment at Mindful Mental and Behavioral Health PLLC, you can receive tailored medication management and/or counseling services to help you overcome symptoms.

Depression Is A Common Response To Life’s Challenges

Depression affects a wide range of people across racial, cultural, and socioeconomic lines. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that at least 8.4 percent of the global population suffered at least one depressive episode in 2020, while around 280 million people are diagnosed with clinical depression in any given year.

There are many factors that lead to the onset of depression, such as genetics, brain chemistry, and co-occurring diagnoses. However, losses, transitions, and stressors—including tragic events, unemployment, and financial insecurity—can also be contributing factors. Many of us feel disconnected and insufficiently supported amidst major life obstacles, causing us to feel helpless and hopeless at times. 

Depression can impair our ability to function so much that treatment becomes necessary. If we can’t engage in our social, professional, academic, or daily obligations, then we are likely to develop negative associations and feel drained by the elements of life that might otherwise offer a sense of meaning and purpose. Once we are caught up in this cycle, it can be difficult to escape without the perspective of a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), therapist, or mental health professional who is specially trained to identify and treat depression. 

The therapists and PMHNPs at Mindful Mental and Behavioral Health PLLC specialize in mood disorders of all kinds, including depression. Our blend of evidence-based counseling approaches and psychiatric medication management services can help you reduce depression-related symptoms.

Depression Treatment At Mindful Mental And Behavioral Health PLLC

If you are living with depression, you may feel regularly depleted of your mental and emotional energy. Treatment provides you with a valuable opportunity to build your coping strategies, develop protective mechanisms, and minimize the potential for future episodes of depression. As you are equipped with new skills and perspectives, you will be able to restore your motivation to tackle life’s obstacles. 

What To Expect

Our therapists and PMHNPs are welcoming, nonjudgmental providers who are specially trained in depression treatment. We provide gentle guidance and support in helping you to understand and manage your emotions. As we learn more about your history and experience with depression, we can individualize the treatment process to develop solutions that will work for you. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) will also be a helpful tool in treatment for depression, as this method will help you learn to restructure your thoughts. Using CBT, you can better understand your unique triggers and techniques for behavioral activation, paving the way for daily lifestyle changes that can ultimately support your mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Medication Can Be A Helpful Treatment Intervention

In addition to CBT skills and other effective counseling techniques, psychiatric medications may be used in depression treatment if you are working with one of our PMHNPs. There are many different kinds of antidepressants to include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) that are recommended for treating symptoms. We will work with you to determine the proper medication and dosage for you. 

Though depression may have taken over your sense of control and motivation, treatment can be an empowering experience. Working with our dedicated PMHNPs for medication management, you can regain a sense of energy and satisfaction in your life.

Still Unsure If Depression Treatment Can Help You?

I’m feeling very hopeless and having difficulty seeing past my depression—can treatment actually help?

We have worked with many clients who feel hopeless that relief from depression is possible. However, as these clients begin treatment, they often notice a dramatic shift in their energy levels and desire to re-engage with the world around them.  

Research shows that a combination of psychiatric medications and therapy is the most effective approach to treating depression. Even if you are doubtful that anything can help ease the pain of depression, we encourage you to work with our therapists or PMHNPs who use verified counseling techniques and/or medication management services to help our clients thrive. 

I have so much to be grateful for—I don’t understand why I feel depressed. 

Understanding the why behind our depression can be very difficult—especially in the absence of identifiable stressors like loss or trauma. However, if we decide that our feelings are somehow not justified, it can lead to further experiences of guilt and sadness.

It’s important to keep in mind that depression does not always stem from external factors that we can identify. Sometimes genetics and brain chemistry lead to an imbalance that causes symptoms of depression.

If you are struggling with depression, you deserve support. 

How long does it take for antidepressants to reduce symptoms?

The effect of psychiatric medications varies from person to person—some people may notice improvements within two weeks of starting a medication, while others may not see a reduction in symptoms until about four to six weeks. 

If you are prescribed psychiatric medications, our PMHNPs will check in with you regularly to track your response to medications and monitor for side effects, and we can adjust medications and dosages as needed.

Just Because You Cannot See The Pain, It Doesn’t Mean It’s Not There

Depression treatment at Mindful Mental and Behavioral Health PLLC involves therapy techniques and/or psychiatric medication management services to help our clients overcome feelings of sadness, numbness, and pain. To get started with one of our therapists or PMHNPs, schedule a free consult now or call (207) 316–2609 if you have any questions.

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